Month: January 2016

Three Schools of Thought on Enterprise Architecture

Three schools of thought on enterprise architecture exist, each with its own belief system (definitions, concerns, assumptions, and limitations). A novel taxonomy of these schools creates a starting point for resolving terminological challenges to help establish enterprise architecture as a discipline. Scope & purpose: Brief comparison among schools of thought: Authors: If organisations are to…

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Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Architecture Framework is a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of looking at enterprise reality via views on (architecture) models. It offers a fundamental structure, serving as a scaffold for developing, maintaining, and using EA. Zachman Framework Zachman visualises the entire enterprise at one glance. All aspects are treated…

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Self-Sustainable Model Based on Big Data Flows

A Generic Platform explored below shows the main components to support heterogeneous applications, for example in a Smart City design. The value chain and different stakeholders: Representation of the data flows and rela ers in the corporate open data services framework: Source: Ignasi Vilajosana, Bootstrapping Smart Cities through a Self-Sustainable Model Based on Big Data Flows, IEEE Communications Magazine,…

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Evolutionary Architecture for Smart City

Smart cities services use components of both the ICT industry and mobile telecommunications industries. This article describes the architectural evolution required to ensure that the rollout and deployment of smart city technologies is smooth through acknowledging and integrating the strengths of both the system architectures proposed. Here’s the pragmatic framework: Links to context information sources via mobile access:…

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Vertical & Horizontal Architecture for Smart City

Smart cities encompass services in diverse business and technological domains. Presently, most of these services are delivered through domain-specific, tightly coupled systems, which entail limited scalability and extensibility. Such structure is supposed to be transformed into a horizontal architecture through service-delivery platform. The platform is a new type of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering that integrates Internet…

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Seamless Intelligence

Seamless intelligence is a configuration where everything is connected through ubiquitous networks, interfaces, and so on. While similar to previous pervasive and ubiquitous computing scenarios, seamless intelligence has deep roots in technology advancement that didn’t exist in the near past. With pervasive computing and communication capabilities, information technology will increasingly enhance and augment human knowledge,…

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23 Disruptive Technology Area

Over the last two years, IEEE Computer Society technology leaders collaborated to identify important industry advances that promise to change the world by 2022. The 23 technologies provide new insights into the emergence of seamless intelligence. To validate the premises and conclusions made by the CS 2022 Report team, we surveyed more than 5,000 IEEE…

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Enterprise SOA for Big Data Service

Introduction to ESARC: ESARC Business & Information Reference architecture: ESARC Business & Information Reference architecture metamodel: ESARC Information Systems Reference architecture: Source: Alfred Zimmermann et al, Towards Service-oriented Enterprise Architectures for Big Data Applications in the Cloud, IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, 2013.

Cloud-Based Enterprise IT

Trends: Cloud IT commercialisation Cross-enterprise collaboration IT as Enterprise Integrator Service-centric IT Ecosystem Hybrid IT Portfolio Five-phase approach (adapting ITIL methodology): Strategy: Our approach starts by identifying business needs and then defines the service capabilities and parameters necessary to support the business. Design: The enterprise identifies the necessary services and selects potential service providers. This…

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